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Channel: SME Link
What's The Lean Belly Breakthrough Secret - Lean Belly Breakthrough -
What is the Lean Belly Breakthrough? Bruce Krahn and Dr. Heinrick created this program specifically for men and woman who has belly fat problem
The core of the program to work well against belly fat and its associated health issues (such as diabetes, heart disease, and depression).
This is accomplished without the help of diets, drugs or other unnatural means .
The overview of the content:
1) list of bad foods that can trigger heart attacks
2) list of good foods that help in getting rid of belly fat (No diet! Diets don’t work.)
3) list of desserts that are good if you have blood sugar problems
4) informational overview of signs that your heart is at risk (always good to know)
5) Overview of nutrients from herbs, foods, and spices that affect those hormones responsible for storing fat.
6) detailed explanation of how to utilize your “sleeping” metabolism.
7) explanation on how to burn more fat in the same amount of time.
8) “60 second belly shred” workout program and video (do this for 2 weeks and you’ll be happy)
9) exact blueprint of what you must do to solve the cause of belly fat all of its related health concerns. Tracking sheets to monitor your progress (useful!)
10) list of foods that boost your libido (we did not test this one)
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